
How to Get Your Startup Funded (online)

Ladataan Tapahtumat
An online event by Business Helsinki on startup funding, intended for startups operating in Finland. Free of charge for the participants.

Are you familiar with the basics of how to get your startup funded? Are you trying to generate more interest and build attraction in the eyes of investors?

If you are on the threshold of starting activities in getting external funding outside the team members’ pockets or FFF sources; or if you have just raised your first seed round and need more guidance on how to proceed in the road-map, join our online event.

After an introduction to the topic, we will continue with a Q&A session. You are highly encouraged to ask questions during the Q&A part!



-How to Get Your Startup Funded – presentation by Touko Kontro (Business Helsinki)

-Q&A session


This is an online event

We will send you a link to the online platform used one day before the event (the link will be sent again 1h before the event starts).


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